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    Innovative Vibroflotation Compaction Method Technique

    Technical introduction

    The vibro-compact series technology is suitable for the high permeability and coarse-grained soil conditions represented by coral reefs, sand, and gravel. It has the advantages of deeper treatment depth, low cost, short construction period, environmental protection and energy saving.

    Innovative Vibroflotation Compaction Method Technique The main patents formed are as follows:

    Patent Name Technical Description
    Resonant foundation processing equipment and method for multiple-head vibrator This technology is suitable for coral reefs, gravel and loose sandy soil with a content of less than 10% clay particles. Using the principle of resonance, high-frequency vibration is applied to accelerate the rearrangement and combination of coarse particles, so as to reduce the void ratio and increase The reinforcement effect of foundation soil compactness and site uniformity. This technical method has deep processing depth, low cost, short construction period, environmental protection and energy saving, and can efficiently solve the bearing capacity and liquefaction problems of sandy soil foundations
    Method for compacting sand and gravel foundation with high frequency vibration This technology is suitable for sand and gravel foundations with hard interlayers. By using vertical and horizontal high-frequency vibration equipment, it can effectively penetrate the hard interlayers in the sand and gravel foundations and compact the sand and gravel foundations.

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