

Innovative Vacuum Preloading Method Technique

Technical introduction

The series of vacuum preloading technologies are suitable for low-permeability fine-grained soil represented by silt. It has the advantages of deep treatment depth and effective control of post-construction settlement and differential settlement of deep silt.

Innovative Vacuum Preloading Method Technique The main patents formed are as follows:

Patent Name Technical Description
Fast "low-position and high-vacuum layered pre-compression compaction" soft foundation treatment method This technology is suitable for deep and thick soft soil foundations. The deformation of deep soft soil is controlled by vacuum preloading, combined with shallow high vacuum compaction to form a hard shell layer, which can control the deformation of deep soft soil and improve the bearing capacity of shallow layers
Water vapor separation device This technology is a special equipment technology, through the water-gas separation device, to improve the efficiency of drainage and air extraction, with energy-saving advantages

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